law of attraction

How to make tough decisions easier – so you can stop tossing and turning and finally get to sleep.

Clutter is often just unmade decisions. See if you can relate to this… you’re not sure what to do with an item, so you put it on the first available flat surface … just for now. And in no time, there’s a pile of things spread all over the table, counter top or desk. Unmade…

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Hellen Buttigieg sitting on a bench and smiling

How to be successful without struggling.

Do you think you have to struggle to succeed? If you believe you do, you’re right. If you believe you don’t, you’re right as well. Here’s how the dictionary defines the word ‘struggle’: ‘to experience difficulty in making one’s way.’ What does it mean to struggle? It’s like trying to climb a slippery slope; with…

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The Power of Creating a Dream Board

After living in our house for 21 years, we are now packing for a move to our new home. It’s a dream come true for me because I’ll be steps from the lake in my hometown. We are moving to a smaller house now that our girls are in university, so we’ve been editing our…

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