Decision Making

Go ahead, get inspired.

What do you need when you feel uninspired? When I need to get inspired, I get together with a successful person – works every time. I haven’t been writing for a while, so the universe sent me a successful person disguised as a client. But I know in my gut that our work together goes…

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What’s Coming Between You and a Clutter-Free Home?

Have you ever considered the possibility that your clutter has nothing to do with the ‘stuff’ and everything to do with your mind? Could it be that, without consciously realizing it, you’ve built a wall around yourself with the clutter, to protect you? “You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.” – Andrew…

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Overwhelmed: When You Just Can’t Get Started

One of the most common organizing questions I get is “Where do I start”? The short answer is: it doesn’t really matter where you start; what’s important is that you just start. Once you get the ball rolling, the momentum will carry you, because getting started is truly the hardest part.     What gets…

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How to make tough decisions easier – so you can stop tossing and turning and finally get to sleep.

Clutter is often just unmade decisions. See if you can relate to this… you’re not sure what to do with an item, so you put it on the first available flat surface … just for now. And in no time, there’s a pile of things spread all over the table, counter top or desk. Unmade…

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