How to Live Your Best Life – It’s All About Your Vibration

Do you ever notice that some people seem to lead a charmed life? Everything goes their way, they seem to be at the right place at the right time, and when they need to connect with someone, that person just shows up. On the other hand, some people seem to have the worst luck. Nothing ever appears to work out for them; it’s just one crisis after another, and they’re always struggling.

If you are the first type of person I described, congratulations, you are in the flow. (Keep reading to discover what you’re doing to create that experience – so you can keep doing it.)

If the second description refers to you on most days, the good news is that you have the power to change your luck – and it’s not that difficult (I’ll show you how).

I say ‘luck’, but it’s not really luck. It’s energy or vibration. Now before you think I’ve gone all ‘woo-woo’ on you, believe me, this is tangible stuff. The brilliant (and scientific) mind of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and internationally renowned spiritual teacher describes this in detail in his ground-breaking book, Power vs. Force. If you are looking for the scientific explanation, check it out. However, I’ll put it in simple terms for you here.

There are different levels of vibrational states of being. We attract people and things that are at the same level as us (like attracts like). If we want to experience a joyful life, we just need to raise our vibration (joy and happiness vibrates at a very high frequency). There are many simple things we can do to get our vibration up.

For example, one of the easiest and quickest ways to raise our vibration is to experience thankfulness and gratitude throughout the day. Another favorite of mine is to pet a dog or cat – doesn’t even have to be yours (ask first). Or how about smiling at everyone you pass on the street. These examples are virtually effortless and contribute greatly towards creating your best life.

Just as there are many ways to raise our vibration, there are things we may be doing that lower it. We need to eliminate or at least minimize these. Things that lower our vibration and create obstacles to joy include: complaining, gossiping, and watching news or violence on TV.

If you want to reduce your stress and have a happier, more successful life, do more of the things that raise your vibration and less of the things that lower it. Here’s a handy resource I’ve created to simplify this process: 52 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration Fast. (it’s free – no strings attached). Try one or two of these energy-boosters every day and notice how your ‘luck’ improves. (And remember to write me and let me know– I’d love to hear all about your amazing experiences).