Out With the Old

On a rainy day in August, 2003, I decided it was time to do a complete office purge. I had been running my business for just over 2 years at that time, and the small filing cabinet I was using was so full, it was becoming too much of a chore to file new documents. So papers were starting to pile up on top of the filing cabinet, and that was making me nervous. As I sorted through the files, one piece of paper at a time, I found that I could easily toss documents that seemed important at the time of filing but were no longer relevant: Ideas that didn’t excite me any more, articles that were no longer of interest to me, projects that I lost the passion for. Letting go felt liberating – I swear I felt the endorphins kick in! I worked late into the night, and then slept soundly, knowing that the next morning it would feel amazing to walk into my newly organized office. What I wasn’t prepared for was an event that happened the next day that changed my life. I got a call from a production company offering me the opportunity to audition for a show called ‘neat’. As many of you know, I went on to become the host that show and it opened up countless opportunities for me. Is there a connection between organizing my office and beginning a new life the very next day or was it just a coincidence?

I believe that good things come when we make space for them. An overflowing filing cabinet sends the message that we don’t want any new business because our slate is full. If you feel creatively or professionally blocked, perhaps you are surrounding yourself with things that no longer reflect your personality or future aspirations. Holding on to things long after the relevant stage of life has passed prevents us from having a clear vision of ourselves and our direction. It might even block our prosperity.

You don’t have to do it all in one day like I did, because that may not fit your way of doing things. A ‘baby steps’ philosophy may work better for you. Target one small area (a drawer, your wallet, one box) and eliminate anything in that space that does not support you or contribute to the kind of life you want. This small action is enough to propel you forward so you can move away from feeling stuck.

Don’t just take my word for it. Many of my clients have reported similar life-altering experiences after decluttering. Here’s one client’s success story:

Hiring Hellen to work on my home office was life changing for me. Not only did Hellen help me to become more organized and efficient, but within an hour of the changes I started booking more coaching and healing clients. No longer am I wasting time trying to find things. My paperwork is well organized helping me to be more productive. My income has doubled in just 6 weeks.

-Sue London Radio Host, People & Pet Therapist, Reiki Master, Spiritual Life Coach

I hope this has inspired you to let go of the irrelevant in order to attract new opportunities, achieve your goals and perhaps even make a life-long dream come true.


  1. Olga Piece on November 30, 2009 at 8:40 am

    What an excellent blog, I’ve added your feed to my RSS reader. 🙂

  2. Sally Taylor on December 4, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    I’m fascinated by the diverse range of views and opinions. Who’s your “go to” guy?

  3. Hellen on December 4, 2009 at 3:33 pm

    Hi Sally, I don’t have a “go to” guy. I just love to learn, so when my nose isn’t buried in a book, I’m taking workshops on diverse subjects in hopes of adding more knowledge which I can use to help myself and others. I see that you do Reiki. Do you see a connection with what I’ve discussed in this blog entry and how you help your clients?

  4. Wendy Xavier on December 20, 2009 at 10:15 am

    Could you recommend any specific resources, books, or other blogs on this topic?

    • Hellen on December 20, 2009 at 12:28 pm

      Sure Wendy, be happy to. There are lots of great organizing books that address this topic. Here are a few of my favorites:

      Unclutter Your Life, Katherine Gibson
      Making Peace with the Things in Your Life, Cindy Glovinsky
      Lighten Up! Michelle Passoff

      Hope that helps.